Friday, October 26, 2007

Hip Hop Grinch

Sammy dances Hip Hop in the Grinch.

She is the little one in the middle.


Tracy Giles said...

Sammy is very cute, but then again so are all of your kids.

Crafty Momma said...

That is so funny seeing sammy doing a little "christmas hip hop" I bet it is fun watching your kids do so many differnt things! Hmmm..I wonder what Delia's going to do when she gets older, I don't know, well see, probably something involving leg strength! Man that girl has strong legs!!! :)

Tracy Giles said...

Shary, I "tagged" you. Look at my blog to get the rules.

Jessica said...

Hi Shary, I saw the link to your blog on Tracy's hope you don't mind if I check it out! I am not sure if I was looking at Sammy or not (I think so) but the kid I watched was very talented! :)